• Senior managing editor for Health Services Research, 2020-present Evaluating submitted manuscripts; assisting in developing regular and theme issues; and managing journal improvements.
• Staff writer for Penn Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, 2022–present Writing stories for Penn LDI Research Updates.
• Science writer and editor for Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (formerly Group Health Research Institute), 2010–2025 Editing articles for peer-reviewed journals and applications for federal and private grants. Writing and editing news items, blogposts, and features on health and health care for the website.
• Freelance writer for Seattle Children’s Research Institute, Science, The Scientist,, Research Penn State, BioTechniques, Drug Discovery and Development, Nordic Life Science and others, 2008–2023 Creating feature articles on health services, medicine, health, life sciences, and biotechnology.
• Freelance editor for Seattle Children’s Research Institute, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, University of Washington, University of California San Francisco, Syracuse University, Kaiser Permanente, University of Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark, the Medical University of Xi'an, and others, 1992–2023 Writing, revising, and formatting grant applications and journal articles.
• Writer, Annenberg Media and Oregon Public Broadcasting "Essential Lens" project, 2013-2014 Part of a multidisciplinary team developing sets of photographs and activities to enhance high school learning.
• Writer and Developer, LEO Pharma Science Web site, 2006, 2010 Delivered draft Web pages focusing on basic and applied research at LEO Pharma.
• Writer and Developer, "Rediscovering Biology," Annenberg Media and Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2002–2003 Created case studies, activities and instructor guidelines for an online course aimed at high school biology teachers. Worked with producers, computer programmers and consultants.
• Primary author or editor for over 20 research articles, 1982–present Including a 2007 J. Biol. Chem. "Paper of the Week."
• Member of the American Medical Writers Association, National Association of Science Writers, and Northwest Science Writers Association
• Honors Instructor, University of Washington, 2002–2010
• Research Scientist, Department of Biochemistry, University of Washington, 2002–2008 Investigated the effect of cell stress on transcriptional regulation in the laboratory of Dr. Ted Young.
• Visiting Scientist, University of Copenhagen and Carlsberg Research Laboratories, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996–2008 Collaborated with Dr. Jakob Winther on the cellular oxidation and reduction. Invited speaker at the Carlsberg Alumni Reunion, May 2010.
• Acting Assistant Professor and Research Scientist, University of Washington, 1999–2002 Taught biology and genetics while researching organelle biogenesis with Dr. Robin Wright.
• Instructor and Guest Scientist, Penn State University, 1993–1999 Taught biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, microbiology, and general biology.
• Biology Instructor, Salt Lake Community College, 1992–1993
• Research Technician, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1982–1984 Studied the expression and intracellular localization of an oncogenic protein with Dr. Robert Eisenman.
• PhD, Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Oregon 1991 Investigated mechanisms of intracellular protein sorting in yeast with Dr. Tom H. Stevens.
• MS, Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, Cornell University 1987 Worked with Dr. Bik-Kwoon Tye on the characterization of a telomere-binding protein.
• BA Whitman College 1982 Major: Biology Minor: Sociology
• Northwest Science Writers Association 2008–present Member, former board member and officer, and 2011-2021 curator of ScienceWire, featuring member work.
• Seattle Colleges, 2021-present Reviewer for scholarship applications and participant in career networking events.
• Literacy Source 2009–present Assistant in adult literacy classes.
• BestTreat, a Horizon 2020-funded Innovative Training Network 2018–2022 Advisory Board Member for BestTreat: Building a Microbiome Engineering Toolbox for In-Situ Metabolic Treatments for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
• Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board 2005–2009 Secretary and writer of advisories to the Mayor and City Council on transportation and pedestrian issues.
• WPSU public radio station, University Park PA 1995–2000 On-air host and board operator hosting National Public Radio news and information programs during normal operations and pledge drives, and compiling and reporting weather and local information for on-air broadcast.
PUBLICATIONS (PubMed bibliography, Google Scholar profile and ORCID)
• Frakt, A, Tachibana C. From the Editor’s Desk reports in Health Services Research. [2024 example]
• Møller HD, Bojsen R, Tachibana C, Parsons L, Botstein D, Regenberg B. Genome-wide purification of extrachromosomal circular DNA from eukaryotic cells. J Vis Exp 2016;110:e54239. [Article and video]
• Larson EB, Tachibana C, Thompson E, Coronado GD, DeBar L, Dember LM, Honda S, Huang SS, Jarvik JG, Nelson C, Septimus E, Simon G, Johnson KE. Trials without tribulations: Minimizing the burden of pragmatic research on healthcare systems. Healthcare (2016);4(3): 138-141. [Abstract]
• Johnson KE, Tachibana C, Coronado GD, Dember LM, Glasgow RE, Huang SS, Martin PJ, Richards J, Rosenthal G, Septimus E, Simon GE, Solberg L, Suls J, Thompson E, Larson EB. A guide to research partnerships for pragmatic clinical trials. BMJ 2014;349:g6826. [Article]
• Whiteside U, Richards J, Steinfeld B, Simon G, Caka S, Tachibana C, Stuckey S, Ludman E. Online cognitive behavioral therapy for depressed primary care patients: A pilot feasibility project. The Permanente Journal 2014;18:21-27. [Article]
• Montero D, Tachibana C, Winther JR, Appenzeller-Herzog C. Intracellular glutathione pools are heterogeneously concentrated. Redox Biology 2013; 1(1) 508-513. [Article]
• Larson EB, Tachibana C, Wagner EH. Sparking and sustaining the essential functions of research: What supports translation of research into health care? Answers from the Group Health experience. In: Inui TS, Frankel RM, editors. Enhancing the culture of academic health science centers: impact on research programs. Radcliffe Publishing Series: Culture, context and quality in health sciences research, education, leadership and patient care. 2012.
• Video on freelance science writing and editing for
• Nielsen RW, Tachibana C, Hansen NE, Winther JR. Trisulfides in proteins. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 2011; 15(1): 67-75. [Abstract]
• Kacherovsky N, Tachibana C, Amos E, Fox D III, Young ET. Promoter binding by the Adr1 transcriptional activator may be regulated by phosphorylation in the DNA-binding region. PLoS ONE 2008; 3(9):e3213. [Article]
• Young ET, Tachibana C, Chang HW, Dombek KM, Arms EM, Biddick R. Artificial recruitment of mediator by the DNA-binding domain of Adr1 overcomes glucose repression of ADH2 expression. Mol Cell Biol 2008;28(8):2509–2516. [Abstract]
• Tachibana C, Biddick R, Law GL, Young ET. A poised initiation complex is activated by SNF1. J Biol Chem 2007;282(52):37308–37315. Chosen by JBiolChem as a featured "Paper of the Week", December 28, 2007. [Article]
• Voronkova V, Kacherovsky N, Tachibana C, Yu D, Young ET. Snf1-dependent and Snf1-independent pathways of constitutive ADH2 activation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 2006;172(4):2123–2138. [Abstract]
• Loertscher J, Larson LL, Matson CK, Parrish ML, Felthauser, A, Sturm A, Tachibana C, Bard M, Wright R. Endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation is required for cold adaptation and regulation of sterol biosynthesis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Eukaryot Cell 2006;5(4):712–722. [Abstract]
• Tachibana C, Yoo, JY, Tagne J-B, Kacherovsky N, Lee TI, Young ET. Combined global localization analysis and transcriptome data identify genes that are directly coregulated by Adr1 and Cat8. Mol Cell Biol 200;25: 2138–2146. [Abstract]
• Østergaard H, Tachibana C, Winther JR. Monitoring disulfide bond formation in the eukaryotic cytosol. J Cell Biol 2004;166(3):337–345. [Abstract]
• Young ET, Dombek KM, Tachibana C, Ideker T. Multiple pathways are co-regulated by the protein kinase Snf1 and the transcription factors Adr1 and Cat8. J Biol Chem 2003;278:26146–16158. [Abstract]
• Nørgaard P, Bruun A, Tachibana C, Winther JR. Gene regulation in response to protein disulfide isomerase deficiency. Yeast 2003;20:645–652. [Abstract]
• Nørgaard P, Westphal V, Alsøe L, Tachibana C, Holst B, Winther JR. Functional differences in yeast protein disulfide isomerases. J Cell Biol 2001;152:1–11. [Abstract]
• Holst B, Tachibana C, Winther JR. Active site mutations in yeast protein disulfide isomerase cause dithiothreitol sensitivity and a reduced rate of protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum. J Cell Biol 1997; 138:1–10. [Abstract]
• Tachibana C, Stevens TH. The yeast EUG1 gene encodes an endoplasmic reticulum protein that is functionally related to protein disulfide isomerase. Mol Cell Biol 1992;12:4601–4611. [Abstract]
• Berman J, Tachibana CY, Tye B-K. Identification of a telomere-binding activity from yeast. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1986;83:3713–3717. [Abstract]
• Eisenman RN, Tachibana CY, Abrams HD, Hann SR. v-myc and c-myc-encoded proteins are associated with the nuclear matrix. Mol Cell Biol 1985;5:114–126. [Abstract]
• 2022 ScENe scientific editors network “Freelancing tips”
• 2014 Group Health Research Institute "Power writing: Efficient manuscript creation" and "Science writing FAQS"
• 2013 ibiomagazine "Freelance science writing and editing"
• September 2010 Fourth Military Medical University at X'ian China Invited speaker, "How to publish and present: the basics" and "How to publish and present: advanced tips"
• May 2010 Carlsberg Research Center, Denmark Invited speaker, Carlsberg Alumni Reunion "Can't drink beer, can't say brød (but Carlsberg let me visit anyway)"
• March 2004 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, USA Seattle Area Yeast Group seminar "Adr1 and Cat8, fighting for global change…in gene expression"
• November 2001 University of Washington, USA Genome Sciences Research Reports "ER redox and membrane biogenesis"
• May 1999 Carlsberg Research Center, Denmark Departmental Seminar "Protein folding and the unfolded protein response in yeast"
• August 1992 Penn State University, USA Biochemistry Department seminar "Characterization of a yeast protein disulfide isomerase"
University of Washington 2000–2010
HON ART/SCI 396 Honors Discussion for Introductory Biology
BIOL201 Introductory Biology
GENET351 Human Genetics for non-majors
GENET371 Introductory Genetics
GENET490 Undergraduate Seminar
BIOL 499 Undergraduate Research
Penn State University 1993–2000
BMB101, 121 Introductory Biochemisty, Applied Biochemistry
GEN222 Introductory Genetics
MICRB106 Elementary Microbiology
BiSci 001 Biology for non-majors
BiSci004 Human Biology for non-majors
BMB 251 Molecular and Cell Biology
BMB 411 Microbiology and Biochemistry Literature
MICRB435 Medical Virology
BIOL230 Cell Biology
Salt Lake Community College 1992–1993
Introductory Biology, Microbiology, Cell Biology
Cornell University 1984–1985 (graduate teaching assistant)
Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory
Auto-tutorial Biochemistry